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New China's First Diplomatic Experience: A PRC Delegation to the United Nations in 1950
作者 蕭道中
1950 年8 月,中華人民共和國政府向聯合國安全理事會控訴,指韓戰爆發後美軍進入臺灣海峽的行動侵略中國領土、傷害中國主權。這一控訴經安理會排入議程,並依例邀請北京派員出席該項問題的討論。11月24 日,北京代表團一行9 人,在團長伍修權(1908-1997)率領下飛抵紐約。這次行動是中國新政府成立後,其代表首次出現在聯合國舞台。
In August 1950, the government of the Peoples Republic of China presented a complaint to the United Nations Security Council. It charged the United States military with an invasion of Chinese territory and a violation of Chinese national sovereignty as a result of America's entry into the Taiwan straits and Taiwan Island following the onset of the Korean War. The U.N. Security Council placed this complaint on its agenda and invited Beijing to send representatives to participate in discussions. On November 24, the Beijing delegation led by Wu Xiuquan arrived to New York City. This was the first time since the founding of the New China government that a delegation had attended the U.N. As it reached New York, the Cold War in Asia was approaching its climax. The Chinese Peoples Volunteer Army had penetrated the Korean peninsula the previous month and confronted a large-scale U.N. military action headed by the United States. This conflict provoked international concern and Wu's delegation, which received extensive attention, was seen as an opportunity to understand Beijing's intentions in Korea, as well as establish contact with China. Wu's mission was not just to engage diplomatically with the 'imperialist' nations, but at the same time to use the platform of the United Nations to broadcast Beijing's message to the world. This effort constituted the first significant diplomatic action of the new Chinese administration, as well as Wu Xiuquan's first diplomatic venture 'deep into enemy territory.' The episode offers a glimpse into the character of early Communist China's diplomatic policy and the manner it expressed the world view of the people of New China.
起訖頁 217-263
關鍵詞 冷戰聯合國控美侵臺案韓戰伍修權Cold WarUnited NationsComplaint of armed invasion of Taiwan (Formosa)Korean WarWu Xiuquan
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201706 (59期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 星火何以燎原──朱毛紅軍的崛起之路
該期刊-下一篇 評述Richard Whatmore, What is Intellectual History?




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