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Rewriting Local and Imagining Nationhood: The Compilation of Great China Geography as Case Study of Local / National Identity in Early Republican China
作者 劉龍心
This article examines the relations between local geography narratives and knowledge transformation in modern China based on the Great China Geography (GCG) documented by Lin Chuanjia, a member of the Association of Chinese Geography; and analyzes how this documentation won recognition in the highly competitive textbook market of early Republican China. It also examines the local and national identity connotations behind the narration of imagined nationhood through geographical knowledge.Ostensibly, GCG was a textbook attempting to develop local awareness, a framework that derives from the notion of 'love your hometown before love your country' of local gazettes in the late Qing. However, despite the complicated spatial divergence in various regions, there is a homogenization of national supremacy (over local identities) underscoring the narration of GCG. The sense of existential crisis triggered by WWI reinforced this strong national identity cultivation underneath GCG's seeming local awareness development.GCG can be treated as a legacy of late-Qing local gazettes, yet Chinese intelligentsia who lacked appreciation of local spirit still had a long way to go to construct a genuine local identity.
起訖頁 119-170
關鍵詞 林傳甲《大中華地理志》地志書寫地方國家認同Lin ChuanjiaThe Great Chinese Geographythe writing of local historylocalnationidentity
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201706 (59期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 兩幅耶穌會士的聖母聖像──兼論明末天主教的「宗教」
該期刊-下一篇 星火何以燎原──朱毛紅軍的崛起之路




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