201612 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 如何消滅網路蟑螂?有關美國網域名稱搶註的法規與案例探討 How to Eliminate Cybersquatting? A Discussion of Cybersquatting in Trademarks Law–Focused on the U.S. Law &Cases
- 閉鎖性股份有限公司之研究 Research the Clored Held Company
- 法律與語言之雙重挑戰──醫療糾紛通譯角色與功能之研究 A Research of Interpreter's Role and Function When Dealing with Medical Malpractices–Dual Challenges of Law and Language
- 從大法官釋字第711號論藥師工作權之保障 A study of Pharmacists' freedom of Profession from Grand Justices interpretation No. 711
- 泰越馬菲四國輸入食品邊境查驗之研究 Imported Food Border Inspection in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines
- 認購(售)權證發行所得之課稅爭議──評大法官釋字第693號解釋 The issue of the offering prices of call (put) warrants which shall be subject to income tax or not–Comment J.Y. Interpretation No. 693
- 以法律經濟學淺析不動產經紀業者的資訊傳遞之角色──以「凶宅」為例 Rights and Responsibility of Real estate brokers message in Law and Economics Studies–Taking haunted houses for example
- 臺灣著作財產權保護期間延長之影響──以跨太平洋夥伴協定為中心 The Impacts of Copyright Protection Term Extension in Taiwan–Focusing on Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement