興大法學 Chung-Hsing University Law Review |
201405 (15期)期所有篇 |
- 行政訴訟程序中審理國家賠償事件之容許性──以日本法之觀察為中心 The Permissibility for the Trial of State Compensation under the Administrative Procedure: Concentrating on the Japanese Law
- 論稅捐規避行為之立法與行為的類型化 The Enactment of Regulating Tax Avoidance Conducts and Their Categorization
- 論被保險人於合理注意義務下之不實說明 Study on the Misrepresentation of Insured under Reasonable Care
- 論酒精影響下的不能安全駕駛罪 Unsafe Driving Offenses under the Influence of Alcohol
- 再論刑事不法與行政不法之區別──以德國聯邦憲法法院裁判見解及立法形成自由為中心(上) A Reconsideration of Differentiations between the Criminal Illegality and the Administrative Illegality: Focusing on Judgments of Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and Freedom of Legislation (1)