從交易成本論財產權制度對經濟效率之影響──兼論寇斯定理在公私法領域之運用 The Study on the Influence of Property Sys-tem on Economic Efficiency from the View of Transaction Cost: Also on the Applica-tion of Coase Theorem on the Public and Pri-vate Law
現行科技法制下國立大學研發成果校內管理之問題探討 A Study on Management of the Research Re-sults of National Universities Under Prevailing Science and Technology Basic Act
從美國法的觀點評司法院大法官釋字第六八九號解釋──以新聞自由、言論自由、隱私權的保障與衝突為中心 Rethinking Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.689: Focusing on the Protection of Free-dom of the Press, Freedom of Speech, and the Right to Privacy and their Potential Conflicts