學校行政 School Administrators |
201607 (104期)期所有篇 |
- 商業生態系統理論在學校本位特色課程發展的應用 The Application of Business Ecosystem on the Management Strategies of School-based Featured Curriculum
- 學校學習環境指標建構對校長推動教學領導的啟示 The Study of Constructing Learning Environment Indicators for Principals’ Instruction Leadership
- 台灣師資培育政策20年之回顧與展望(1996〜2016) Prospects for Teacher Education Reform in Taiwan (1996–2016)
- 高等職業院校行政人員身份認同 與建構研究--以廣東省人事制度改革為背景 A Study of General Administrative Staff’s Identity and Construction—In the Context of Personnel System Reform in Guangdong
- 兩岸大學EMBA國際學程策略聯盟之分析 Strategic Alliance of EMBA International Programs in Universities in Taiwan and China
- 提早入學學生之鑑定與安置初探--以臺灣中部某縣市國民小學為例 A Preliminary of Early Admission Students’ Identification and Placement--A Case Study of an Elementary School in Central Taiwan
- 政策之生態隱喻分析--以高中歷史科103微調課綱為例 The Ecology Metaphor Approach to Policy: The Example of Modifying Senior High School History Curriculum Guidelines
- 國民中學校長翻轉領導與學校創新經營相關之研究 A Study on the Relationships between the Principal Flipping Leadership and Innovation Management in Junior High School
- 從憲法平等權違憲審查基準評析原住民族教育法第25條立法之合理性--兼論釋字第七一九號解釋 From the Constitutional Review Reference of Constitutional Equal Right to Analyze Education Act for Indigenous Peoples Article 25 Legislation Rationality—And Discussed J. Y. Interpretation No.719
- 偏鄉國民小學校長與教師教學思維翻轉之研究 The Study of Principal and Teachers Flipped Teaching Cogitation in Remote Elementary School