法學新論 Journal of New Perspectives on Law |
201308 (43期)期所有篇 |
- 從實務觀點看聯合承攬的相關爭議 An Analysis on Joint Venture Dispute from Practical Reasoning
- 論連帶債務之特性及連帶債務人中之一人上訴之效力──評析最高法院99年度台上字第210號及98年度台上 A Study on the Characteristics of Joint Liability and the Effect of Appeal by one of the Joint Respondents --- Review on Taiwan Supreme Court Judgments (99) Tai Shang Tzu No.210 (2010) and (98) Tai Shang Tzu No.1873 (2009)
- 孩子的出生是損害?──以奧地利最高法院意外生育、意外懷孕判決為核心 Does the birth of child constitute an injury to the child’s parents?A study on the wrongful birth and wrongful conception decisions of the Austrian Supreme Court
- 大陸刑法的社會危害性概念與微罪處理 The study of the concept of "endangering society" in Mainland China's criminal law and the settlement of minor criminals
- 我駐美外交代表機構的特權與豁免 The Privilege and Immunity of TECRO