201906 (35期)期所有篇 |
- 從〈洪範〉到憲法典──天命哲學的典範轉移 From Grand Norm to the Code of Constitution–A Paradigm Shift of the Doctrine of the Mandate of Heaven
- 秦代律令中的黃金與銅錢問題──以岳麓秦簡、里耶秦簡為中心 The Question of Gold and Coin in the Legal System of the Qin Dynasty–A Study on the Yuelu Qin Slips and Liye Qin Slips
- 解析吐蕃變法圖強與《史記》之間的關連性 An Analysis of the Relevance of the Shih-chi (史記) to the Reforms of Tibet
- 天災與人禍:傳統中國對地震的政府問責機制及其現代啟鑒 Natural and Man-made Disaster: The Traditional Chinese Government Accountability Mechanism for Earthquake and Its Modern Reflection
- 「黨化」抑或「獨立」?國民政府司法改革的理念及困境 Partyism or Independence? The Ideal and Dilemma of Judicial Reform in the Nationalist Government
- 他山之玉:鞏濤先生與他的中國法律史研究 Jade of Other Mountains: Professor Jérôme Bourgon and His Studies on Chinese Legal History