「選舉機器」政黨轉型路線與黨政關係的建構:中國國民黨的經驗(2000-2012) Party Transformation Toward “ElectionMachine” and the Construction of Its Relationship with Government:The Experience of KMT(2000~2012)
國民黨黨員之研究:黨職人員之觀點 A Primary Study on Party Membership of the Kuomintang in Taiwan:From the Party Workers’ Perspectives*
把「政黨」找回來:台灣選舉研究的失衡與未來發展 Bring The Parties Back In:The Imbalance and Future of Electoral Studies in Taiwan
解析台灣民眾統獨偏好:一個兩難又不確定的選擇 Analyzing Taiwanese Public Opinion toward Future Cross-Strait Relations:Choice under Ambiguity and Uncertainty
台灣文官人力資本、生涯選擇及目標與升遷狀況的性別差異:以2008年台灣文官調查為例 Taiwanese Civil Servants’ Gender Differences in Human Capital, Job Choice/Career Goal, and Career Advancement: A Case of the TGBS, 2008