台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201710 (36:5期)期所有篇 |
- 公共衛生與預防醫學的區別:歷史觀點 The distinction between public health and preventive medicine: a historical perspective
- 醫院整合醫學照護制度之國際經驗與對台灣的啟示 International experience with a hospital medicine care system and lessons for Taiwan
- 癌症病人自殺流行病學綜合性論述 Comprehensive interpretations of epidemiology of suicide among cancer patients
- 評論:防治癌症病人自殺:只有心理衛生篩檢足夠嗎? Commentary: suicide prevention among cancer patients: screening of mental health services is enough?
- 運用C4.5決策樹分析失眠症狀 Applying C4.5 decision tree to analyze insomnia symptoms
- 中老年人健康狀況、性別化家務工作與生活滿意度相關性之兩性差異 Gender differences in the inter-relationships among health condition, gender-pattern housework, and life satisfaction in middle-aged and older adults
- 初級照護品質與可避免急診之探討 The association of quality of primary care and the potentially avoidable emergency department (ED) visit
- 台灣留學生狂飲行為之研究 The study of binge drinking behavior among international Taiwanese college students
- 第二型糖尿病患者的睡眠品質與血糖控制之相關性探討 The association of the sleep quality on glycemic control in patients with type II Diabetes
- 長期照顧政策是照顧老人還是失能者?--以蔡英文臉書為例探勘民眾認知 The subjectivity of long-term care policies in Taiwan: seniors or disabled? -- an example from Tsai's Facebook page
- 利用公開資源於藥物流行病學研究建立藥品檔案 Drug list compilation for pharmacoepidemiology studies using available public resource in Taiwan