醫療旅遊對醫療體系的潛在衝擊 Potential impacts of medical tourism on medical care system
人類乳突病毒疫苗接種政策:公共衛生倫理觀點 Human papillomavirus vaccination policy:a public health ethics perspective
區域透析資源對基層腎臟科醫師產出表現之影響 The impact of regional dialysis resources on primary nephrologists' productivity on terms of patient care
重大傷病患者家戶所得與醫療利用、存活狀況之相關——以末期腎臟病與癌症為例 The association of household income,healthcare utilization,and survival of catastrophic illnesses patients:using ESRD and cancer as examples
長期追蹤台灣學齡前兒童二至五歲含糖飲料及糕餅點心與精製糖攝取情形 A long-term follow-up study of sugar sweetened beverages,snacks and desserts,and refined sugar consumption among preschoolers aged 2 to 5 in Taiwan