臺灣高血壓用藥之問題處方及其影響因素的研究 A study on the inappropriate prescription of medications to treat hypertension in Taiwan
藍領移工健康問題之初探性研究:以南部某健康服務站的諮詢移工為例 Migrant workers’ health in Southern Taiwan: an exploratory study based on the iACT health service project
人口老化趨勢下的健康均等與醫療照護公平性之年齡比較 Health equality and equity of healthcare utilization in different age-groups given the trend of an aging population
喪偶、休閒活動與中老年婦女身體功能之長期分析 Widowhood, leisure activity, and physical function among middleaged and older Taiwanese women: relationships over time
年輕女性性工作者危險行為與工作內容及對性病與愛滋病防治政策之建議 Risky behaviors of young female sex workers and policy recommendations for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections in Taiwan