臺北教育大學語文集刊 Journal of Language and Literature Studies
201912 (36期)期所有篇
「思辨」教學過程──以呂世浩〈他叫「秦始皇」嗎?〉為例 The Process of''Speculative''Teaching:Taking Lu Shi-Hau’s Is he called''Qin Shihuang''? for Example
用以致學:華語教學實習課程的翻轉設計 Use to Learn: The Flip Design of an Internship Course of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
「混合性文學L2教學模式」於大學僑外生國文課的教學實踐──以轉化修辭為例 The Application of Mixed Literary Second Language Teaching Approach in Chinese Teaching for International Students -- Examples from Metonymies
由字譜角度探論岑參〈逢入京使〉之聲韻美──以閩南語文讀音為媒介 Exploring the beauty of Cén-cān 's''féng-rù-jīng-shǐ''from the perspective of the word spectrum --Using Minnan language as a medium
從聲學觀點比較客語與賽夏語的元音格局 An Acoustic Comparison of the Vowel Patterns between Hakka and Saisiyat
距離三分鐘的美感經驗──以符號觀點閱讀幾米《忽遠忽近》 Distance of Three Minutes──The Aesthetic Experience of reading Jimmy’s So Close yet So Far