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Use to Learn: The Flip Design of an Internship Course of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
作者 宋如瑜
This article aims to demonstrate the innovation process of an ''Internship in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language'' course. The design of the course derives from the ''flip classroom,'' where practice outside the university is arranged before learning within the university. The learning within the university is built on the basis of three workshops: ''The Workshop of Domestic and Overseas Internships of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,'' applied with cooperative learning. ''The Workshop of Innovative Designs of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,'' where the ''ASSURE Teaching Mode'' is used, and ''The Workshop of Problems and Surmounting in Actual Teaching Situations,'' where investigation is conducted with ''action research.'' In the process, teachers and students progressively clarify problems and develop solutions through application of theories, peer cooperation, teacher-student interaction, and personal reflection, which further enhances teachers’intelligence. This study is a relatively qualitative mixed-type study that adopts methods of participation observation, questionnaire survey, document analysis, etc. to collect data and verify results. Finally, the growth of the student teachers is reflected in the following aspects: enhancing reflective ability, promoting peer learning, and developing practical research ability. The research results can serve as a reference material for future internship courses.
起訖頁 25-57
關鍵詞 師資培育華語教學實習工作坊翻轉課堂teacher cultivationinternship of teaching Chinese as a second languageworkshopflip classroom
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 201912 (36期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 「思辨」教學過程──以呂世浩〈他叫「秦始皇」嗎?〉為例
該期刊-下一篇 「混合性文學L2教學模式」於大學僑外生國文課的教學實踐──以轉化修辭為例




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