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Exploring the beauty of Cén-cān 's''féng-rù-jīng-shǐ''from the perspective of the word spectrum --Using Minnan language as a medium
作者 陳茂仁
Recitation is the best way to demonstrate the rhyme and the beauty of musicality of poetry. To faithfully express the meanings of a poem, accurate recitation is the only way. Recitation affects deeply the expression of sounds and meanings of a poem. Although people use various dialects to extract the special touches in poem reciting, the unanimous goal is to exhibit the acoustic, affective, and rhythmic aesthetics thereof. Current reciting methods have inherited the legacies from ancient dynasties and become diversified. Nowadays while talking about the poetry or appreciating the poems, most people just focus on the meaning of the phrases only. People seldom savor the beauty of the rhythm of the poetry by intoning so that they neglect the importance of reciting to poetry expression. Cén-cān's poems are so many, and the widely sung singers are familiar with the title of ''féng-rù-jīng-shǐ''. What is the attraction of this poem that made it spread for a long time? Thus, I explore the appreciation means of poetry from the aspect of word spectrum, and make the way of poetry appreciation more diverse and deeper.
起訖頁 121-148
關鍵詞 字譜吟詩節奏聲情word spectrumpoetrythe rhythmthe sound performance of emotion
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 201912 (36期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 《漢語大字典》與《異體字字典》石字部的比較和探討──以𥑯、砘;䃑;􁧷;𥕔、𥖿;𥗾等字為例
該期刊-下一篇 從聲學觀點比較客語與賽夏語的元音格局




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