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Comparison and Discussion of Word Glyphs with radical''Shi''in Hanyu Da Zidian and Dictionary of Chinese Characters Variants
作者 施順生
《漢語大字典》第一版於1986年至1990年出版,收錄54678字;第二版九卷本於2010年出版,共收錄60370字。《異體字字典》網路一版於2000年6月發行,收錄105982字;2017年11月發行網路十三版(正式六版),內含正字、異體字典待考附錄字共106330字,是目前臺灣地區收字最多的中文字典,至今已累計超過3500萬人次上網查閱。這兩部書(電子書)是海峽兩岸最負盛名的大型中文字典。本文針對《漢語大字典》(第二版)與《異體字字典》(正式六版)石部字,其中的 、砘;石般;石欠言、砍言;石賣;石囊等五組七字,將字頭進行字形比對,從相異處切入,比較兩書字頭字形,以及正字、異體字收字的差異,並加以分析與探討。可得到諸字字頭的異同及正誤,正字、異體字收字的差異與缺誤,並提出修訂和增補的建議。
This article compares words with radical ''Shi'' in Hanyu Da Zidian and in Dictionary of Chinese Characters Variants. The content includes seven characters in five groups: '' /砘'', ''石般'', ''石欠言/砍言'', ''石賣'' and ''石囊''. This paper mainly focuses on comparing, analyzing and discussing the differences of glyphs between the two books, as well as comparing the differences between the standardized form of Chinese characters and the variant characters. By doing so, the differences, correctness and errors of word glyphs with radical ''Shi'' and the standardized form of Chinese characters and the variant characters can be obtained. Finally, suggestions for revisions and additions can be made.
起訖頁 93-120
關鍵詞 漢語大字典異體字字典石部字形正字異體字Hanyu Da ZidianDictionary of Chinese Characters Variantswords with radical''Shi''glyphstandardized form of Chinese charactersvariant characters
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 201912 (36期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 「混合性文學L2教學模式」於大學僑外生國文課的教學實踐──以轉化修辭為例
該期刊-下一篇 由字譜角度探論岑參〈逢入京使〉之聲韻美──以閩南語文讀音為媒介




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