中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
202306 (41期)期所有篇 |
- 鹽谷溫(1878-1962)的中國戲曲小說研究──兼及東京大學早期的中國文學科 Shionoya On’s Researches on Chinese Drama and Fiction
- 園藝、名物與圖譜:論《蔬果爭奇》在江戶時期的接受與出版 Horticulture, Semantics and Images On the Acceptance and Publication of ShuGuo ZhengQi in the Edo Period
- 「可解」與「不可解」:江戶時代《唐詩選》注解本的注解特色 “That Can Be Explained”and“That Cannot Be Explained”: The Annotation Features of the Tangshi Xuan’s Annotated Versions in the Edo Period
- 從「誡淫」到「痴情」:論《紅樓夢》第十二回的翻譯詮釋及於島崎藤村與北村透谷的創作影響 From“Admonition”to“Infatuation”: A Study on Japanese Translation of Twelfth Chapter of Dream of the Red Chamber and the Acceptance on Shimazaki Toson and Kitamura Tokoku’s Novel
- 有關中國三國故事的越南㗰劇喃字版本簡介 Introduction to Vietnamese Theatrical Nôm Scripts on Chinese Three Kingdoms Stories
- 明代蕭崇業〈航海賦〉所展現之航海紀實 Navigational Documentary in Hung Hai Fu (Rhapsody on Navigation) by Xiao Chongye in the Ming Dynasty
- 《爾雅》〈釋獸〉、〈釋畜〉與《說文解字》名義及分類析論 An Analytical Discussion on the Names and Classifications of the Explanation of Beasts釋獸and Explanation of Livestock釋畜in ErYa爾雅with Shuowen Jiezi說文解字