融入跨文化溝通能力培養之初級華語教學實踐──以課堂情境會話活動為例 The Practice of Integrating Intercultural Communication Competence into Basic Level Chinese Teaching: Activities of Situational Conversation as Examples
擬聲詞在華語教學中的運用──以越南語為母語的學習者為對象 Application of Onomatopoeias in Chinese Teaching: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language to Vietnamese Speakers
華語教學與社會實踐──海大移工華語紀實 Chinese Teaching and Social Practice: Chinese Courses for Migrant Workers
國際學位生橋接課程──以跨文化學習適應為導向的留學預備課程 A Bridge Course for International Students: A Cross-Culture Adaption-Oriented Foundation Chinese Course
華語跨文化師資培訓與國際教育──德國華語戲劇教學示範課暨臺德青年 Chinese Cross-Cultural Teacher Training and International Education: Demonstration of Chinese Language Teaching in German and Cross-Culture Communication between Taiwanese and German Youths