臺灣的非典型擔保物權 Taiwanese Atypical Security Right In Rem - Focus on Ownership Assigned as a Guarantee
純粹經濟上損失在臺灣侵權行為法上的保護--以最高法院相關裁判為中心 Protection of Pure Economic Loss in Taiwanese Tort Law - Study on Decisions of Taiwan Supreme Court
物權的架構與風格──以不動產與動產抵押為例 Structure and Style of Property Law: The Case of Mortgage and Chattel Mortgage
刑事獨立沒收與追徵立法之必要--以德、美立法為觀察 The Necessity of Independent Confiscation and Forced Collection in the Criminal Code: from the Viewpoints of German and United States Legislations
德國犯罪利得之扣押與假扣押──以基礎規定(§§ 111b~111f StPO)為中心 Seizure and Attachment due to Confiscation in the German Code of Criminal Procedure Focusing on the Basic Provisions (§§ 111b ~ 111f StPO)
法官聲請解釋憲法之研析 A Study on the Judge's Petition to Interpret the Unconstitutionality of the Statute
債務清理法制之新進展(下) New Developments in Insolvency Regime (Part II)
中國大陸立法法修正評述 Correction Review of the Legislation Law of PRC
散布私密照加重刑責之研議 Discussions on Aggravation of Punishment for Distributing Private Pictures
公平交易法關於廣告規範之最新發展 Recent Developments of False or Misleading Advertising in the Taiwanese Fair Trade Act
對於績效考核之司法審查與解僱最後手段性原則之適用--評臺灣高等法院九十三年度勞上字第五十號民事判決 The Application of Judicial Review of Performance Appraisal and Ultima Ratio Grundsatz: Comments on the (93) Lao-Shang No. 1 Decision Rendered by the Taiwan High Court