月旦民商法雜誌 Cross-Strait Law Review |
202203 (75期)期所有篇 |
- 民法案例分析方法:民法總則案例解說舉隅 Analytical Methods on Civil Law Cases: Some Examples in the General Principles of Civil Code
- 「凶宅」買賣合同的請求權基礎分析 Analysis on the Claim Basis about Sale Contract of Haunted House
- 《民法案例研習》開課備忘錄 A Memorandum for Preparing the Course ‘Civil Law Case Study’
- 外國裁判之承認與執行──以互惠原則為中心 The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments: A Focus on Reciprocity
- 從臺灣法院判決思考非常規交易之民事責任 The Civil Liabilities of Non-Arm-Length Transactions - From the Observation of Court Decisions in Taiwan
- 釋字第726號解釋後勞基法第84條之1適用現況與檢討 Reviewing the Current Application of Article 84-1 of the Labor Standards Act after the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 726
- 從室內設計圖探討美術著作與圖形著作之區別與保護 The Difference between and the Protection of Art Works and Graphic Works by Using the Interior Design Plan as an Example
- 董事長解任與經營權爭奪 The Removal of Chairman and the Battle of Corporate Control