國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 Journal of Building and Planning |
201705 (22期)期所有篇 |
- 殖民地住宅的現代轉型:以二次戰前滿州日本人住宅的形成及其住宅競圖案為分析中心 The Modern Transformation of Colonial Residence: Focusing on the Formation of Manchurian Japanese Residence and Housing Design Competition Prior to World War II
- 從部落遷徙歷程探討地方認同的建構 Considering the Construct of Local Identity Based on the Migratory Journey of the Kucapungane
- 另類農食品質建構--古坑咖啡個案 Construct of Alternative Food Quality-A Case Study of Gukeng Coffee
- 社會取向建築基本設計教學與學習經驗分析:以臺灣大學「初等環境規劃與設計」課程為例 Teaching Practices and Student Learning in the Fundamentals of Environmental Planning and Design Studio, National Taiwan University