台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature
201906 (37期)期所有篇
從女性生態主義觀點閱讀村田沙耶香《超商人類》:有關學習型人工智慧AI類型主角的誕生 Reading from the viewpoint of eco feminism Sayaka Murata “Konbini Ningen": About the birth of learning type artificial intelligence Al-like hero
解讀岩野泡鳴「五部作」《斷橋》之附錄──著眼於文本生成的過程 A Study of the Appendix in Dankyo from the Pentalogy by Iwano Hōmei: The Process of Text Formation
日影丈吉的殖民地台灣經驗──推理小說《內部の真実》中的台灣意象 Hikage Jokichi's Taiwan Colonial Experience: Taiwan Imagery in the Mystery Novel “Inner's True ssence"
太宰治「越級申訴」試論──從創作手法觀見作者的創造與讀者的想像 A Preliminary Discussion on Osamu Dazai's “Kakekomi Uttae": An Observation on a Writer's Creation and Readers' Imaginations from the Perspective of Creative Approaches
從連結AI自然言語處理研究觀點來論多模式領域中之日本語研究未來展望 Future outlook of Japanese research in multimodal domain: From the viewpoint of connection to AI natural language processing research