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Reading from the viewpoint of eco feminism Sayaka Murata “Konbini Ningen": About the birth of learning type artificial intelligence Al-like hero
作者 曾秋桂
According to the Naoya Fujita, “Reproductive Literature” spread after the Great East Japan Earthquake against “bodily literature” spread after the Second World War. In numerous works in the category of “Reproductive Literature”, responsibility for the future life is proposed. Among them are “Kinbini Ningen” (2016.7) of Sayaka Murata who won the 155th Akutagawa Award as a typical example of “extinctionism” to select disappearance towards the future. There are pros and cons among the selection committee against the “Kobini Ningen”. However, in looking at the literature after the Great East Japan Earthquake, “Kobini Ningen” must be one index. In this thesis, we attempted to consider “Kobini Ningen” from the viewpoint of eco feminism, which is a effective method for elucidating the relationship between women with reproduction instinct and the environment. As a result, the hero who chose the way of life like Artificial Intelligence AI presents a new way of living that she has gotten a way of life appropriate to what she can be.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 女性生態主義東日本大震災之後村田沙耶香《超商人類》AI方式的生存之道eco feminism“Reproductive literature"Sayaka Murata“Kinbini Ningen"the way of life like Artificial Intelligence AI
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201906 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 抵抗的形態:論久生十蘭的《母子圖》




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