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Hikage Jokichi's Taiwan Colonial Experience: Taiwan Imagery in the Mystery Novel “Inner's True ssence"
作者 陳萱
Although Hikage Jokichi (1908-1991), a well-known mystery novel writer in Japan, has not received much attention in Taiwan, he kept having his novels published by situating Taiwan as a story background in his writer's career. In July 1944, Hikage served his military stint in an army, following the army to Taiwan, which was then colonized by the Japanese government. Hikage, a member of the advance troops, travelled government. Hikage, a member of the advance troops, travelled throughout Taiwan, conducting on-the-spot investigations with quite close contacts with Taiwanese people from all walks of life. After the Japanese defeat in March 1946, he followed the army back to Japan. Having returned to Japan, based on his previous travel experiences and understanding towards Taiwanese's culture, he wrote a series of mystery novels relevant to stories in Taiwan, situating Taiwan as the background. This study is an attempt to investigate Hikage's earliest series of stories in Taiwan, “Inner's True Essence” written in 1959. Analyses on his work will be conducted in exploration of how Hikage derived and imagined Taiwan from his authentic experiences and understanding towards Taiwan. Situating Taiwan as the story background, Hikage's book depicted the murder between officers of the Japanese Gendarmerie and Taiwanese people. Text analyses will be performed to analyze how Hikage observed and defined the colonial Taiwan as well as how to reproduce and interpret the relationship between the colonists and the colonizedby elaborating their love and hatred.
起訖頁 63-94
關鍵詞 日影丈吉殖民地台灣經驗推理小說日本/男性台灣/女性Hikage Jokichithe colonial Taiwan experiencemystery novelJapanese/maleTaiwan/female
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201906 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 解讀岩野泡鳴「五部作」《斷橋》之附錄──著眼於文本生成的過程
該期刊-下一篇 太宰治「越級申訴」試論──從創作手法觀見作者的創造與讀者的想像




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