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A Preliminary Discussion on Osamu Dazai's “Kakekomi Uttae": An Observation on a Writer's Creation and Readers' Imaginations from the Perspective of Creative Approaches
作者 何資宜
An Kakekomi Uttae (Showa 15.2) is one of Osamu Dazai's mid-period works, drawing the materials from the Bible. At the time when this work was published, many readers criticized his rewritten content as having "lack of originality." However, from Showa year 20 to 40 after the death of Osamu Dazai, the critics started to review writers' interpersonal relationships and Christian ideas. Reviews from the perspective of comparative literature did not become prominent again in criticism until Showa year 60. This study summarized 2 major questions frequently asked in previous studies: (1) Why did Dazai write about Judas' betrayal? (2) Why did Dazai recreate the image of Judas? Finding that because the hype of The Legend of Dazai created by The Death of Osamu Dazai reflected textual research in a distorted manner. On the other hand, the reason why this subversive work adapted from the Bible is regarded as an I Novel is significantly related to the writer's intentional creation of the image of Judas and his monologue. Moreover, the acceptance of I Novel and the accomplice relationship between writers' creative approaches and readers' reverse operation can be decrypted.
起訖頁 95-115
關鍵詞 翻案作品太宰傳說反私小說創作手法作者與讀者的共同創作Subversive WorksThe Legend of DazaiAnti-I NovelCreative Approaches
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201906 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日影丈吉的殖民地台灣經驗──推理小說《內部の真実》中的台灣意象
該期刊-下一篇 從連結AI自然言語處理研究觀點來論多模式領域中之日本語研究未來展望




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