台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature
201412 (28期)期所有篇
所謂「宣旨」之女房—有關《源氏物語》的史實與虛構 The Image of Senji About the Historical Fact and the Fiction in GENJI-MONOGATARI
中日兩國文學裡的「猿神退治」譚──以『今昔物語集』與唐代傳奇為主 The ape stories found in Konjaku monogatari (Ancient Japanese Literature) and the short tales from Tang Dynasty (Ancient Chinese Literature)
由芥川龍之介的漢詩觀察他對中國的憧憬──以中國旅遊前後之漢詩為主 From Akutagawa Ryunosuke's Chinese Poetry to his Longing for China: A study on Akutagawa's Chinese Poetry composed around his trip to China
芥川龍之介〈鼻〉材源論 A Study of the Material Source of “Nose" by Akutagawa Ryunosuke