國立屏東大學學報:教育類 Journal of National Pingtung University. Education |
201904 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 國小低年級弱勢兒童生活適應團體之輔導效果 Guidance Effect of the Life-Adaption Group on Disadvantaged Early Elementary School Children
- 以英語為國際語之學習者使用電腦輔助語言教學系統學習學術英文字彙之成效:以MyET及WordMaster為例 The Effect of Computer-assisted Vocabulary Learning Systems on EIL Learners on the Learning of Academic Vocabulary: A Comparison between MyET and WordMaster
- 教師對數學數位閱讀素養文本輔助國小高年級學童閱讀動機、理解與溝通互動之探討 The Elementary School Teachers' Considerations of Mathematics Digital Reading Literacy Texts on Reading Motivation, Reading Comprehension, and Communicative Interaction for High Grade Students of Elementary School
- 中文晤談評量問卷內部結構及信效度之探究:諮商心理師層次分析 A Study of Internal Structure, Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Session Evaluation Questionnaire(C-SEQ): Counselor-level Analyses
- 培育國小在職教師使用「POE&科學解釋文字鷹架」設計實驗以因應十二年國教的改革 Nurturing Primary In-service Teachers to Use “POE & Scientific Explanations with Text Scaffolding" to Design Experiments and Micro-teaching in Response to the Reform of the 14-year National Education