英文摘要 |
To facilitate English vocabulary retention for learners in English as an International Language (EIL) context, different vocabulary learning systems have been adopted to maximize the learners' vocabulary bank. This study intends to examine two computer-assisted vocabulary learning systems (MyET and Wordmaster) and compare the learning results in an academic setting. A total of 48 EIL university students with similar language proficiency participated in the study. They were randomly assigned to either the MyET or Wordmaster group. Both groups were required to accomplish a 50-vocabulary-item test from the assigned learning systems. Pre- and 2-month-delayed tests were given to evaluate the efficacy of learners' vocabulary retention. A t-test and method of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to analyze the data and to answer research questions. A questionnaire intended to provide more credibility to the findings of this study was given to the participants at the end of the experiment to further confirm learners' preferences of using computer-assisted systems. Based on the findings derived from this study, the Worldmaster group yielded significantly better recall performance than the MyET group in the learning dimension. A significant finding was also demonstrated by the Wordmaster group that delayed feedback was more beneficial than that of instant feedback in the MyET group. The results obtained from this study indicate that the application of Wordmaster enhances EIL learners' vocabulary retention and provides more vocabulary learning dimensions when academic related vocabulary were recalled.
本研究旨在探討利用電腦輔助語言教學設備學習英文學術字彙對於英語為國際語之學習者之成效。本實驗參與者由48位大學部及研究所英文程度相似的學生組成,並採用兩種英文線上學習系統(MyET及Wordmaster)評估學習者學習英文學術相關字彙之成效。24位受試者隨機分配為MyET組,另24位則為Wordmaster組。每位受試者在實驗開始前,須學習如何使用對應的線上學習系統,並於了解線上系統的操作後,立刻進行50個英文學術學術字彙的前測,之後於實驗開始後的第二個月進行後測,並填寫學習問卷。本實驗利用t檢定及共變數分析量化工具比較兩種不同電腦輔助語言教學系統,佐以學習問卷之分析,其研究結果顯示:Wordmaster學習面機制優於MyET,且Wordmaster提供延遲回饋的復習機制優於MyET的即時回饋機制,因此Wordmaster系統有較顯著的學習成效。此實驗證明Wordmaster系統較能幫助以英語為國際語之學習者學習英文學術字彙,並擴充其字彙量。 |