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Nurturing Primary In-service Teachers to Use “POE & Scientific Explanations with Text Scaffolding" to Design Experiments and Micro-teaching in Response to the Reform of the 14-year National Education
作者 盧秀琴 (Chow-Chin Lu)蔡幸如
我國十二年國教強調「核心素養」的培養,著重探究與實作,但國小學生在探究與實作過程中科學解釋能力普遍不足,教師必須扮演關鍵性引導的角色,故培育在職教師相關的教學能力是重要的。本研究選擇某教育大學修習「昆蟲學特論」課程的16位在職教師為研究對象,培育他們使用「POE&科學解釋文字鷹架」設計實驗與微型教學,包含:講授昆蟲學總論以奠定昆蟲學的概念,講授「POE&科學解釋文字鷹架」理論與示範教學,每組在職教師模仿設計實驗與微型教學,每組在職教師再自行尋找材料進行設計實驗與微型教學。本研究以「POE&科學解釋文字鷹架量表(TAPS)和學習單評量表(LAPS)進行評量。研究結果顯示:1.共7組在職教師模仿設計實驗與微型教學,發現有5組符合「POE&科學解釋文字鷹架」教學法,有2組成效不佳;主要原因為設計的預測題目過多或引導實驗教學不佳。2.共7組在職教師自行設計實驗的微型教學比模仿設計的進步,主要是設計的學習單更完整,更有效的引導學生觀察。3.共7組在職教師撰寫自行實驗的學習單比模仿實驗的進步,主要是科學解釋文字鷹架的主張進步最多,證據、推理也有進步。 It emphasizes cultivate core literacy and focuses inquiry and implementation of the 12-year national education. Primary students are generally lacking in scientific explanations skills in process of inquiry and implementation, and it is important to cultivate in-service teachers for playing a guiding role. In this study, 14 in-service teachers took “Advanced Entomology" course at an education university were selected as research subjects, and they were trained to use “POE & scientific explanations with text scaffolding" to design experiments and micro-teaching. This study was conducted using the Teaching Assessment of “POE & Scientific explanations with text scaffolding" Scale (TAPS) and Learning sheet Assessment of POE & Scientific explanations with text scaffolding (LAPS). This study showed that: 1. there are 7 groups of teachers' imitative designed experiments and micro-teaching, and found that 5 groups reach the goal, and 2 groups were ineffective because there are too many prediction problems in the design or poor lead teaching. 2. Total 7 groups of in-service teachers' micro-teaching of self-designed experiments are better than imitative designed experiments, because the learning sheet is more complete, more effective to guide students to observe. 3. Total 7 groups of in-service teachers' writing learning sheet of self-designed experiments are better than imitative designed experiments, because “claim" have really improved in the scientific explanations with text scaffolding, and the evidence and reasoning have also improved.
起訖頁 145-180
關鍵詞 POE(預測-觀察-解釋)&科學解釋文字鷹架教學評量表微型教學學習單評量POE & scientific explanations with text scaffoldingteaching assessmentmicro-teachinglearning sheet assessment
刊名 國立屏東大學學報:教育類  
期數 201904 (3期)
出版單位 國立屏東大學
該期刊-上一篇 中文晤談評量問卷內部結構及信效度之探究:諮商心理師層次分析




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