土地經濟年刊 Land Economics Annual Publication |
201607 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 土地使用審議組織之委託代理關係分析--以內政部區域計畫委員會為例 An Analysis of the Principal-Agent Relationship in the Land Development Examination Organization - Taking the Ministry of the Interior Regional Planning Committee as an Example
- 土地標售之溢價率分析 The premium analysis of land auction
- 台北市高房價成因剖析──以租價關係、總體因素與預期因素探討 Why the Housing Price so High in Taipei? An Analysis on Rent, Price, Macroeconomic Factors and Expectations
- 不動產跨區購買之溢價分析 Is it more expensive for cross area buyer?
- 網路申報土地增值稅流程改造之個案研究 A Case Study on Improvement online Filing Process For Land Value lncrement Tax