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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Why the Housing Price so High in Taipei? An Analysis on Rent, Price, Macroeconomic Factors and Expectations |
作者 |
吳孟璇、梁仁旭 |
中文摘要 |
In recent years, the housing market has been awash with funds. The phenomenon resulted in domestic housing prices in Taipei rising year by year, especially after the Subprime mortgage crisis. From the viewpoint of economics, the price is decided by supply and demand. However, with regard to the value of product, this rising of housing price probably comes from the artificial demand. Once housing price is too high and the actual demanders cannot burden with; that is likely to trigger a market bubble, which caused the imbalance of trade market. According to the aforementioned, this study will observe whether the housing price has deviated from the fundamentals in Taipei City. Since the demand of rent is only for living, we probing into the relationship between housing price and rent in order to observe the rationality of housing price; and if the future housing price in the anticipated guided, the price seems to follow the historical trend, and the higher the housing price of an area, the more significant. The empirical results show that, the housing price seems to prevail in unreasonable investment in Taipei City, which may lead into a bubble crisis. |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, the housing market has been awash with funds. The phenomenon resulted in domestic housing prices in Taipei rising year by year, especially after the Subprime mortgage crisis. From the viewpoint of economics, the price is decided by supply and demand. However, with regard to the value of product, this rising of housing price probably comes from the artificial demand. Once housing price is too high and the actual demanders cannot burden with; that is likely to trigger a market bubble, which caused the imbalance of trade market. According to the aforementioned, this study will observe whether the housing price has deviated from the fundamentals in Taipei City. Since the demand of rent is only for living, we probing into the relationship between housing price and rent in order to observe the rationality of housing price; and if the future housing price in the anticipated guided, the price seems to follow the historical trend, and the higher the housing price of an area, the more significant. The empirical results show that, the housing price seems to prevail in unreasonable investment in Taipei City, which may lead into a bubble crisis. |
起訖頁 |
53-81 |
刊名 |
土地經濟年刊 |
期數 |
201607 (27期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
土地標售之溢價率分析 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
不動產跨區購買之溢價分析 |