公共行政學報 Journal of Public Administration |
202403 (66期)期所有篇 |
- 創新決策過程的「知識」階段:我國地方政府及創新個案的初探性分析 The‘Knowledge’Stage of the Innovation Decision-Making Process: A Preliminary Analysis of Local Governments and Innovations in Taiwan
- 颱風假決策之研究:影響縣市首長決定停班與停課的因素 The Decision-Making of Declaring Days off in the Event of a Typhoon: Factors Influencing Mayors and County Magistrates in Suspending Work and School
- 從托克維爾夢魘論美國行政分權走向行政集權的脈絡 On the Context from Decentralization of Administration to Centralization of Administration in America from the Standpoint of Tocqueville’s Nightmare
- 從經濟人走向社會人:對公共政策理論的再詮釋 From Economic Man to Social Man: A Reinterpretation of Public Policy Theory
- 不尊重專業vs.不懂政治:循證政策的政治觀點