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The‘Knowledge’Stage of the Innovation Decision-Making Process: A Preliminary Analysis of Local Governments and Innovations in Taiwan
作者 李仲彬
創新擴散(innovation diffusion)研究在許多學科領域都受到重視。可惜的是,若以創新決策的五階段論來看,現有文獻大多忽略創新被組織採用前,組織必須先知曉(aware)創新的存在(existence),獲得「知曉性知識」(awareness knowledge)後,才有可能評估是否採用。多數研究缺乏對於「知識階段」的討論,包含組織對於創新的知曉程度為何?或是知曉了哪些創新知識?影響組織的創新知識知曉度之因素為何?等問題,都缺乏系統性分析。本文以我國22個地方政府、122個創新政策為例,應用專家座談、訪談與問卷調查法等方式回答上述問題。研究發現,創新政策個案平均被61.5%的潛在採用者知曉;創新政策知曉性知識較少的,多是東部與離島地區,透露出地理屏障、互動頻率可能和資訊的觸及與尋求行為有關。另外,地方政府的人力、財務資源特徵也與知曉性知識豐富度有關。創新政策的分析發現,媒體傳播程度(平面或影音平台報導量)與知曉性知識擴散度有關係,而政策特質也與知識擴散有正向關係;媒體決定是否報導某創新個案,和該創新的特質沒有關係。本文最後討論了上述發現在理論上的意涵,並建議應該建立地方政府間人員流動與交流的積極機制、提供創新補助資源、媒體專題報導等,來提升創新擴散環境的健全。而在研究上,建議進行創新擴散的「成對」分析,了解不同兩兩縣市組合的差異。
Before learning from another’s innovation, one must first“know”whether there is a policy worth learning. Existing innovation diffusion research has mostly focused on the later stages of the innovation decision-making process, while few have investigated the first stage of the process—the“(awareness) knowledge”of innovation. This study uses Taiwan’s local governments and innovations as a case study to answer two questions: How is the awarenessknowledge of innovation diffused to other regions? Which factors affect the acquisition and diffusion of knowledge? The findings show that financial resources and geographical separation were related to their level of awareness. The initial stage of the innovation diffusion process is a mechanism of knowledge-acquiring for learning purposes after information is screened by the media. Even in a democratic country with a small number of local governments, the flow of information that influences innovation learning between local governments remains limited by the factors mentioned above.
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 政策創新創新擴散地方政府創新決策過程知曉性知識policy innovationinnovation decision processawareness knowledgeinnovation diffusionlocal government
刊名 公共行政學報  
期數 202403 (66期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-下一篇 颱風假決策之研究:影響縣市首長決定停班與停課的因素




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