政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201212 (54期)期所有篇 |
- 獨裁或專政?由漢譯名探討施米特的Diktatur概念 "Ducai" or "Zhuanzheng"? An Analysis of Schmitt's Concept of "Diktatur" through Its Chinese Translation
- 不情願的專業主義:從普天間基地問題探討日本民主黨政權決策過程 Reluctant Professionalism: The Decision Making Process of the DPJ Government on the MCAS Futenma Issue
- 手機政治簡訊的廣告效果之探索性研究:臺灣北部五所大學生的試驗 The Advertising Effectiveness of Political Text Messages: An Exploratory Study on Undergraduates from Five Universities in North Taiwan
- 總統大選對股票市場之動態衝擊分析:美國與台灣之比較 The Dynamic Impact of Presidential Elections on the Stock Market: A Comparison between the United States and Taiwan