東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201909 (47期)期所有篇 |
- 《老子》損益觀與《周易》損益兩卦分析探討 Analysis on the "Decrease and Increase" View from "Laozi" and Hexagram for Decrease and Hexagram for Increase in "Book of Changes (I Ching)"
- 王令詩歌中的寓言式書寫 Alleogrical Style in Wang Ling's Poems
- 李漁的戲曲理論與實踐──以《巧團圓》為觀察對象 Li Yu's Theory and Practice on Xiqu: A Case Study of Qiao Tuan Yuan
- 論略王集叢文學史觀中的「民國性」 On the "characteristics of Republican Period of China" in Wang Jijun's viewpoint on literary history of Republican Period of China