東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201603 (33期)期所有篇 |
- 先秦儒、道已具般若學考 Prajna in Pre-Qin Confucianism and Taoism
- 論王充〈本性〉篇對各家人性論之評述 On Wang Chong (本性) Review articles on various Human Nature
- 以《子平粹言》論蘇軾 Study of Su Shi Based on the book, “The Crux in the Science of Zi-ping, or fortune-telling”
- 宋代以前銅雀臺詩相關考辨 Dongjak Tower poem”Related Discrimination Before the Song Dynasty
- 明代《金瓶梅》傳播研究——以抄本傳播、商業傳播為考察範圍 Jing Ping Mei Communication studies in Ming: Investigate the Handwritten Copy Communication and the Business Communication
- 論原生家庭對張愛玲小說《小團圓》主人公九莉親密關係的影響 The Original Family Influence on Sheng Jiuli's Intimate Relationship
- 〈白狗鞦韆架〉文本中的電影感分析研究 An Analytical Study of Cinematic Sense in the Original Text of White Dog and the Swing