東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201409 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 從《信仰之旅》論林語堂的儒耶文化觀 Analysis of the Perspective of Confucians & Christians Culture from the From Pagan to Christian written by Lin Yutang
- 老子史觀的一項文化哲學觀察 A Viewpoint of Cultural Philosophy of Lao-Tzu’s Historical Aspect
- 李賀諷諭詩所映現的同情與交感──以戰爭與苛政為例 The Sympathy and Transfusion of Li He’s satire poetry --In an example of war and misrule
- 析論東坡詞之沿襲與創新──以〈南歌子〉為例 An Analysis of Su Shi’s Transmission and Innovation —“Nan ge zi” as Example
- 宋代「淫詩說」 Song 'romantic poem says'
- 姜夔〈鷓鴣天〉篇章修辭探析 Rhetoric Investigation and Analysis on the Chapter of“ Partridge Sky ”by Jiang Kui
- 胡適新紅學的考證方法探析──〈紅樓夢考證〉初稿到定稿 Discussion on Hu Shih’s Textual Research Method of New Redology —Textual Research of A Dream in Red Mansion From First Draft to Final Copy