東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201403 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 從《韓非子‧大體》論君主運用法術時的基本態度 From the han fei zi‧ general Theory monarch's basic attitude to use spells
- 王弼注《老》之本體論探析 Wang Bi's Note Lao Analysis of Ontology
- 《世說新語》中名士對於飲食符號的解讀 The Denotation of Dietetic Symbols from Famous Scholars in Shi Shuo Xin Yu
- 論《玄怪錄‧華山客》故事情節之承衍 The descent and transformation of hwuashanke in “shyuan guai lu”poem
- 消極報應,積極翻案:岳飛劇之洩忿補恨主題初探 The theme of offsetting the tragic historical facts in the dramas about Yue Fei
- 鏡像折射——論朱少麟《地底三萬呎》的寫作手法 Mirror refraction as method of writing in Zhu Shaolin’s Thirty thousand Feet Underground
- 韓中傳統戲曲舞臺藝術之比較──以唱劇、越劇的《春香傳》為中心 Comparative Study on Concept about Stage Space and Performance Frames of Korean and Chinese Traditional Opera : take the Changgeuk and the Yue Opera 'Chunhyangjeon' as Example