東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201303 (21期)期所有篇 |
- 淺論《孫子兵法》之「上兵伐謀」 A Research on Sun Tzu's “Strategy of Attack” of The Art of War
- 從層遞看《莊子》內篇的思想 Delivery from gradational rhetoric to see the ideas of Zhuangzi Inner Chapters
- 儒、道二化的文學思想家──劉勰學術思想歸屬研究 The Literary Author and Thinker Mixed with Confucianism and Taoism ─The Research on Liu, Xie’s Academic Thought
- 學詩當以子美為師──論陳師道學杜詩之淵源與方法 Learning poetry should be based on Du Fu ─ Research of the origin and method of Chen Shih-Dao study of Du Fu's poem
- 〈從百草園到三味書屋〉中的魯迅童年掠影 “From Herbs to the Sanwei” See Lu Xun's child years
- 名教中自有女性樂地?──蕭麗紅《桂花巷》對女性社會身份之疏解考詮 Can Female feel joyful in Confucian code? Xiao Li-Hong Gui-hua lane toward the deconstruction of femininal social roles