東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201709 (39期)期所有篇 |
- 〈定伯賣鬼〉中鬼大呼「咋咋」的聲音 How to Pronounce the Word, “咋咋”, that Was Found in “Ding Bo Sold Ghost”
- 《莊子‧養生主》中的養生觀點 養生主' in the health point of view
- 「玄與神」──陳景元丹道思想探析 Xuan and Shen:A study on Chen Jing Yuan's Inner Alchemic thought
- 斌宗法師及其《雲水詩草》探討 A Discussion on Rev. Binzongand His Book Yun Shui Shi Cao
- 她的眼淚比我的同情高貴得多――從〈手〉論蕭紅小說的留白藝術與自然美感 Her tears were much nobler than my sympathy': Exploring Xiao Hung's Art of Leaving Blank Room And Natural Aesthetic Through A Critical Reading of 'Hands'