屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
202303 (18期)期所有篇 |
- CLIL雙語體育教學設計──以低年級體操課程為例 CLIL bilingual physical education teaching design-taking gymnastics courses for first grades as an example
- 基層運動代表隊經營策略之研究──以某國小桌球隊為例 Research on the management strategy of athletic teams in primary schools -Taking a table tennis team in an elementary school as an example
- 大專排球課學生在比賽規則之學習成效──以運動教育模式為例 Learning effects on volleyball rules of college students with the Sport Education Model
- 國內女子鉛球運動員上肢肢段長度與運動表現之相關 Correlation between upper arm length and athletic performance on female shot putters in Taiwan
- 探討我國桌球優秀選手三段技術之表現 A Discussion of The Three-Stage Skill About The Taiwanese Superior Table Tennis Player’s Performance