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CLIL bilingual physical education teaching design-taking gymnastics courses for first grades as an example
作者 王彥邦游祖華
隨著出國人次逐年遞升,加上我國提出「2030 雙語國家政策發展藍圖」,從中央到地方,再從地方到各級學校,皆如火如荼的在雙語教育上著墨,發展校訂課程亦或是邀請有興趣的教師試驗成為種子教師,而雙語教學大多以非主科之領域進行教學。本研究目的為以CLIL教學法研發低年級體操課程雙語教材,並透過雙語教育之理念,以專業社群共備方式探討雙語體育課程,並發展出第一學習階段雙語體育-動作教育教學示例,希冀學生能在動作學習發展階段,藉由雙語教育輔佐之下,能達到雙重學習效果,並提供現職體育教師,欲執行雙語體育教學之參考。
With the number of people going abroad increasing year by year, and Taiwan proposal of the ''Blueprint for the Development of Bilingual National Policy in 2030'', from the central to the schools at all levels, all are in full swing to focus on bilingual education, develop curricula or invite some teachers try to become seed teachers, and most bilingual teaching uses cross-domain teaching strategies. Through the concept of bilingual education, this research explores bilingual physical education in a professional community way, and develops a teaching example of bilingual physical education-movement education in the first learning stage. It is hoped that students can be assisted by bilingual education in the stage of movement learning and development. It can achieve a dual learning effect and provide a reference for current physical education teachers who want to implement bilingual physical education teaching.
起訖頁 1-14
關鍵詞 雙語教育體育課國家政策Bilingual EducationPhysical EducationNational Policy
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202303 (18期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-下一篇 基層運動代表隊經營策略之研究──以某國小桌球隊為例




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