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Learning effects on volleyball rules of college students with the Sport Education Model
作者 陳欣茹劉兆達
研究目的有二,一是應用運動教育模式於排球課程中,探討學生在比賽規則之學習成效; 二是探討學生在排球比賽規則之學習正確性及進步情形。對象為 108-1 某科技大學參與排球 課學生 55 位,方法採用單組前、後測設計,工具為排球比賽規則測驗,資料分析採用描述性 統計、相依樣本 t 檢定等。研究結果:(一)運動教育模式應用於排球課程中,可以提升學生 在排球比賽規則之學習成效(t=-2.94,p <.05);(二)排球比賽規則測驗中,第一次排球比賽規 則測驗之各題正確率,介於 10%-30%間有 4 題,介於 30%-50%間有 18 題;第二次排球比賽 規則測驗之各題正確率,介於 10%-30%間有 4 題,介於 30%-50%間有 13 題;第一次及第二 次排球比賽規則測驗之各題正確率,學生填答有進步者有 45% (18 題),退步者也有 45% (18 題)。結論:運動教育模式應用於排球課程中,雖可提升學生在排球比賽規則之學習成效,但 在各題之學習正確性部分,進步者及退步者各佔 45%。建議未來可以應用運動教育模式於排 球課程中,以提升學生對比賽規則之學習成效。此外,授課教師應針對排球比賽規則題目做 更深入的說明及分析,讓學生有更深入的瞭解,以提升其學習成效。
The purposes of this study were to examine the learning effects of volleyball rules for college students with the sport education model and to compare rates of the correctness in each item of volleyball rules within the pre and post-test. The participants were 55 college students engaged in the volleyball course at a university. The method was the single group pretest-posttest design. The volleyball rule testing was used to collect those data analyzed by descriptive statistics and dependent t-test. Those data resulted as follows: (a) Students improved the learning effect of the volleyball rules with the Sport Education Model (t=-2.94, p <.05). (b) in the first volleyball rule testing, there were 4 items with a rate of correctness between 10% to 30%, and 18 items with a rate of correctness between 30% to 50%. In addition, there were 4 items with a rate of correctness between 10% to 30%, and 13 items with a rate of correctness between 30% to 50% in the second volleyball rule testing. In conclusion, students made improvements in learning outcomes of volleyball rules with the sport education model. Students needed to focus on those items with a rate of correctness below 50%. It advised that teachers could continue to use the sport education model in the volleyball course to improve the learning effects of volleyball rules, and they need to incorporate this model in volleyball courses or other kinds of sports to enhance learning outcomes on skills, tactics, and knowledge of students.
起訖頁 25-40
關鍵詞 體育運動運動能力裁判比賽Physical EducationSportSport CompetencyRefereeCompetition
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202303 (18期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 基層運動代表隊經營策略之研究──以某國小桌球隊為例
該期刊-下一篇 國內女子鉛球運動員上肢肢段長度與運動表現之相關




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