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A Discussion of The Three-Stage Skill About The Taiwanese Superior Table Tennis Player’s Performance
作者 黃建源張嘉晉
Objective: To discussion the performance of the three-stage skill of the outstanding Table Tennis player’s. Method: Watching nine international competitions by online videos and conducting statistical analysis. Results: The result of the three-stage skill in these nine games of this research object are as follows: the scoring in serve-then-aggress part utilization rate is pass, the scoring in serve-then-aggress scoring rate result is unqualified; the utilization rate in receive-then-aggress receiving and attacking section is pass; scoring rate in receive-then-aggress receiving and attacking section is good; the research result of the usage rate of the stalemate section is unqualified, and the research result of the scoring rate in the stalemate section is good. Conclusion: The quality and speed of the serve and attack section are weaker than other players, so it may be the reason why the indicators fail. In the return section, the opponent can be effectively controlled and the attack of the next board can be effectively created, which is the object of this study. One of the keys to winning. The above research results prove that to become an excellent domestic player, the receiving section must be able to effectively control the opponent, and the quality and speed in the serving and attacking section need to be strengthened, so as to have the opportunity to develop internationally.
起訖頁 49-63
關鍵詞 桌球技術優秀運動員技戰術分析Billiard SkillsElite AthletesTechnical And Tactical Analysis
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202303 (18期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 國內女子鉛球運動員上肢肢段長度與運動表現之相關




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