屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
201909 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 我國優秀青少年羽球人才選訓制度初探 Priority Preparation and Training System for Taiwanese Youth Badminton Players
- 選手壓力來源、焦慮及因應策略關係之研究──以大專運動會網球選手為例 A Study of Stress, Anxiety and Coping Strategies-- An Example of Collegiate Tennis Players
- 跳繩高強度間歇訓練對大專羽球選手爆發力之影響 The effect of high intensive rope skipping interval training on the explosive power in college badminton players
- 大專男子足球聯賽運動傷害現況調查 Investigation of the sports injuries in the first open group of the University Football Association (UFA)