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Priority Preparation and Training System for Taiwanese Youth Badminton Players
作者 謝豐澤陳志威張家昌
面對21世紀的國際高度競技運動競爭,如何為培育我國羽球青少年菁英人才,建立具備國際競爭力及永續發展之羽球環境,至為關鍵。期盼藉由建置系統化青少年羽球培訓及教練制度之探究,規劃「我國優秀青少年羽球人才選訓制度初探」制度之可行機會,並以「羽球希望工程」及「教練總動員」兩大面向為軸,相互扣合,創造我國羽球新格局及永續發展基礎。本研究歸納我國羽球人才培育與未來趨勢建議,另配合羽球組織之實務執行與創新,得讓我國整體羽球培訓環境與制度升級2.0,並能獲致下列成效:培育1500至2000位我國基礎層級羽球種子及具備國際競爭力之青少年國手,建立分級教練系統及輔導管理機制,可培育100至140位常備(Active Coaches)教練,建立永續正向之青少年羽球選、訓、賽、輔聯盟及教練培訓機制,提升我國羽球運動人口與精英運動員,擴展青少年國際視野及競技競爭力。
In the 21st Century, athletes are challenged with highly intensive competitive sports competitions internationally. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare and cultivate elite talented youth badminton players by developing an internationally competitive and sustainable badminton training environment. The Purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of the concept training system, ‘‘ Priority Preparation and Training System for Taiwanese Youth Badminton Players’‘ by creating systematic structures for youth badminton player training and coaching. In addition, this study employed two major projects that are mutually interlocked: ‘‘Badminton Hope Project’‘ and ‘‘Coaching Utilization Project’‘ to foster the creation of a new era of structures and forming the basis of sustainable development badminton in Taiwan. The main rationale behind the concept training system is to integrate the national youth badminton development resources and human resources environment; then establish a national youth badminton grading (district) selection, training, competition, and auxiliary cultivation systems. Through the division of the ‘‘County-Level-3’‘, ‘‘Regional Union-Division 2’‘ and ‘‘National Alliance-Division 1’‘ grading systems, the resources are effectively utilized to promote the virtuous circle of players and coaches forming an internationally competitive, developing and sustainable badminton training environment. Through concepts and strategic preparation of this study and the practical implementation and innovation of the badminton organization, the specific badminton organizations can upgrade the overall badminton training environmental system, and achieve the following: Cultivate 1500-2000 basic level badminton player seeds in Taiwan and young nationals with international competitiveness. Establish a graded coaching system and coaching management. Train 100-140 backups (Active Coaches). Establish a continuously positive youth badminton selection, training, competition, auxiliary league and coach training mechanism. Enhance the Taiwanese badminton population, elite athletes and expand the international outlook and competitive competitiveness of young people.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 羽球教練羽球分級選手照護計畫BadmintonCoachBadminton DivisionPlayer Care Project
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201909 (11期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-下一篇 選手壓力來源、焦慮及因應策略關係之研究──以大專運動會網球選手為例




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