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The effect of high intensive rope skipping interval training on the explosive power in college badminton players
作者 丁孔茗陳志威謝豐澤張家昌
Purpose: This study is mainly to investigate the impact on the explosive force of the college badminton players in eight weeks skipping rope high intensity intermittent training. Participants: 26 college badminton players volunteered to participate in the experiment, divided into 13 control groups and 13 experimental groups. Methoeds: Both groups received normal training, but the experimental group was additionally trained in daily specialization, and the intervention was conducted for eight weeks, twice a week, and each 30s double-swing skipping high-intensity intermittent training schedule. In addition to the daily training time, the control team did not intervene in other training. Before and after the experiment, the two groups of players implemented the pre-test and post-test projects, which was continuing three horizontal jumps. The experimental results were compared with the independent sample t-test to compare the difference in the explosive force between the experimental group and the control group. The difference between the experimental group and the control group was compared by the paired sample T-test. Results: The experimental group showed significant improvement in the explosive performance after homogeneity statistical analysis (p<.001). Conclusion: From the above research, it is found that the eight-week high-intensity intermittent training of skipping rope can effectively improve the performance of badminton players in explosive power. The possible reason is that after the muscles trained by skipping rope are centrifuged, the muscle spindle is stimulated, and then the centripetal contraction enhances the storage and reversal speed of the elastic potential energy, thereby improving the strength of the lower limbs.
起訖頁 29-40
關鍵詞 羽球跳繩爆發力運動表現間歇訓練Badmintonrope skippingexplosive powerSports performanceInterval Training
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201909 (11期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 選手壓力來源、焦慮及因應策略關係之研究──以大專運動會網球選手為例
該期刊-下一篇 大專男子足球聯賽運動傷害現況調查




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