屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
201809 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 高強度間歇訓練與長距離持續訓練對心率變異性的影響 Effects of high intensity interval training and endurance training on heart rate variability
- 中華台北國家代表隊韓籍射箭教練具滋晴帶隊風格之研究 The study of Archery Korean Coach Koo Ja-chung' s coaching style in Chinese Taipei National Team
- 臺北市籃球運動場域簡史(戰後至2007年) A brief history of basketball fields in Taipei City (post-war years to 2007)
- 不同層級男子桌球選手在賽前狀態性焦慮差異之研究 The study on the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2R among different levels of table tennis player
- 援中港濕地公園的遊憩體驗、志工導覽解說及社區依附 Recreation experience, voluntary interpretation and community attachment in Yuanjhongkan Wetland Park, Kaohsiung
- 增加離心收縮階段負荷對肌力與爆發力表現的影響及生理機制之探討 Effects of Increasing the Load of Eccentric Contraction on Muscle Development and Its Physiological Mechanism