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A brief history of basketball fields in Taipei City (post-war years to 2007)
作者 陳俐靜
本研究目的在透過瞭解戰後臺北市曾經存在的籃球運動相關場域,並對其發展的因素,進行初步的探究。本研究採取歷史研究法,並運用各種史料及訪談資料,探討戰後至2007年臺北市籃球運動場域興建的情形,也透過這些運動場域更迭發現:(一)隨著戰後籃球運動風氣的盛行,臺北市的籃球場域亦是一座挨著一座的興建,不論是官方或是民間,籃球運動成為了最熱門的運動項目之一。(二)戰後早期籃球運動的推展,與軍方關係密切,其中以臺北市中正區的籃球場域興建最為密集。(三)從籃球運動場域的興建,也得以一窺臺北市政經發展,權力的重心所在,也是籃球運動場域發展的中心所在。 This paper presents a preliminary study on the basketball fields that existed in Taipei City after the Second World War and the factors behind their development. A historical research approach was adopted. And use various historical and interview data were employed to explore the establishment of and changes to the basketball fields from the post-war years to 2007. The findings were organized as follows. First, following the rise in the prevalence of basketball sport, basketball fields were constructed in Taipei City one after another, and basketball became one of the most popular sports among government and the public at large. Second, the early promotion of basketball after the Second World War was closely related to the military, and the construction of basketball fields occurred mostly in Zhongzheng District. Third, the establishment of basketball fields revealed one aspect of the political and economic development of the city, which serves as the center of basketball fields also is political power development's center in Taipei.
This paper presents a preliminary study on the basketball fields that existed in Taipei City after the Second World War and the factors behind their development. A historical research approach was adopted. And use various historical and interview data were employed to explore the establishment of and changes to the basketball fields from the post-war years to 2007. The findings were organized as follows. First, following the rise in the prevalence of basketball sport, basketball fields were constructed in Taipei City one after another, and basketball became one of the most popular sports among government and the public at large. Second, the early promotion of basketball after the Second World War was closely related to the military, and the construction of basketball fields occurred mostly in Zhongzheng District. Third, the establishment of basketball fields revealed one aspect of the political and economic development of the city, which serves as the center of basketball fields also is political power development's center in Taipei.
起訖頁 31-41
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201809 (9期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 中華台北國家代表隊韓籍射箭教練具滋晴帶隊風格之研究
該期刊-下一篇 不同層級男子桌球選手在賽前狀態性焦慮差異之研究




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