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Recreation experience, voluntary interpretation and community attachment in Yuanjhongkan Wetland Park, Kaohsiung
作者 楊英欽陳玉美
援中港濕地公園為海軍進行「二代艦軍港」闢建計畫,並捐地50公頃予高雄市政府作為公共設施之用,其中30公頃因為有保育類植物紅樹林生長,經民間團保團體爭取設置為紅樹林濕地公園,就地保育,即為現今援中港濕地公園。本研究探討援中港溼地公園遊客的遊憩體驗、志工導覽解說及遊客與社區依附的關係。研究採用園區現場問卷發放,於2018年3-4月進行,共回收有效問卷301份。在如何得知援中港濕地資訊,以「路過」最多為29%,其次為「網路」24%;來濕地公園的原因「與家人互動」最多42%,次為「休閒」26%;園區需加強之處,以「標示」最多27%,次為「設施」17%。有38%的受訪者為首次來參訪。遊憩體驗方面,96%受訪者同意及非常同意,「園內生態環境維護甚佳」及「提供多種生物良好棲息地」,91%願意再來參訪,94%願意推薦朋友來參觀。研究發現遊憩體驗、志工導覽解說及與社區依附三者有顯著正相關,而社區依附對遊憩體驗有正面顯著影響。 When The Navy launched “Second generation warship” construction plan, it donated 50 hectares back to Kaohsiung City Government for public use. Among them, 30 hectares were preserved for conservation due to the existing mangrove plantation. Through the effort of local environmental groups, the city government agreed to give these 30 hectares to grow the conservation-type mangrove, and established YuanJhongkan Wetland Park in 2007-2008. The study explores the relations among voluntary interpretation, recreation experience, and community attachment for visitors at the wetland park. The on-site questionnaires were conducted during March and April 2018, and a total of 301 usable questionnaires were obtained. Results showed that over 96% of respondents agreed that voluntary workers maintained well in wetland's natural environments and the wetland park provided good habitats for the wildlife, 91% were willing to revisit the wetland, and 94% would recommend friends to visit the park. Over 40% of respondents were the first-time visitors. Results also indicated that there were significant positive relations among voluntary interpretation, recreation experience, and community attachment; community attachment was related to recreation experience.
When The Navy launched “Second generation warship” construction plan, it donated 50 hectares back to Kaohsiung City Government for public use. Among them, 30 hectares were preserved for conservation due to the existing mangrove plantation. Through the effort of local environmental groups, the city government agreed to give these 30 hectares to grow the conservation-type mangrove, and established YuanJhongkan Wetland Park in 2007-2008. The study explores the relations among voluntary interpretation, recreation experience, and community attachment for visitors at the wetland park. The on-site questionnaires were conducted during March and April 2018, and a total of 301 usable questionnaires were obtained. Results showed that over 96% of respondents agreed that voluntary workers maintained well in wetland's natural environments and the wetland park provided good habitats for the wildlife, 91% were willing to revisit the wetland, and 94% would recommend friends to visit the park. Over 40% of respondents were the first-time visitors. Results also indicated that there were significant positive relations among voluntary interpretation, recreation experience, and community attachment; community attachment was related to recreation experience.
起訖頁 51-62
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201809 (9期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 不同層級男子桌球選手在賽前狀態性焦慮差異之研究
該期刊-下一篇 增加離心收縮階段負荷對肌力與爆發力表現的影響及生理機制之探討




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